21 June 2007


The sales are on... wonderful! Just happened to be on Bond Street in-between meetings and somehow managed to do incredible wallet damage in about two seconds flat. Not difficult at all. Eezy peezy... a little disconcerting seeing the autumn / winter collections creeping into the stores and we haven't even had a full taste of summer. Couldn't bring myself to look at next seasons apparel, not even out of curiosity.

Then a Personal Branding session with a magazine editor - I had to check my bags in at reception so as not to appear to be a shopaholic. One of the things that we explored was the physiology of men in their 40's. For many, the fight to get ahead, the drive, the passion to reach for the next thing, that was so strong in their 20's and 30's, is often replaced by the fight to stay where they are. Probably as much to do with circumstances... more responsibility - mortgages, school fees, university fees, lifestyle. And then the realisation that one is really at a mid point, mid life.

I take my hat off to those who stop, take a good look, work out where they are and what they want to do next.

1 comment:

Dan Schawbel said...

If you have further interest in Personal Branding, view my blog at www.personalbrandingblog.com.

nice post btw