New Yorkers have a rather pragmatic view when it comes to Personal Branding. They know the power of reputation and perception in a conscious, upfront way. As opposed to our European counterparts, who are aware of it in a vaguely unconscious, albeit rather endearing way.
Last week was refreshingly New York, in more ways than one. Most of my clients are rather successful to say the least. The concept of investing in oneself is almost inborn, inbred. At the top of the tree are those rather fascinating animals who work hard and smart at the three rules of creating a strong Personal Brand. Compelling? Absolutely. Authentic? You got it. Consistent? Oh yeah!
Almost all know the vital key to it all. That of being oneself. Better.
To quote Rob Goffee, Professor of Organisational Behaviour, London Business School... "Don't try to be someone else. Be yourself. More. With skill."
21 November 2007
New Yorkers...
Posted by
Louise Mowbray
09 November 2007
I see that the new iPhone is due in UK stores today. At 6:02pm precisely. And the only network available is O2. Mmmm, my vodafone contract expires next August. The cost of being trendy? £269 for the iPhone, £400 to kill my contract, ages to get my number transferred. Worth it? Think I'll wait and see what everyone has to say about it... let Apple iron out any glitches. Perhaps. Maybe.
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Louise Mowbray
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06 November 2007
Just ask...
My client yesterday works for an investment bank. She goes to work everyday and attempts to be what she thinks that others expect of her. She masks some of her personal values as she thinks that its not necessary to reveal them, that they will be seen as a weakness.
What is actually happening is that she comes across as someone who is superficial and untrustworthy. She is attempting to lead and yet she is making it difficult for those around her to follow.
We all have a Personal Brand, whether we actively cultivate it or not. It is a collection of ideas and perceptions that others hold about us. Strong, effective Personal Brands are built on compelling, authentic, consistent values. When our Personal Brand is working in the way it should, leadership means that others are inspired to follow, and the opportunities find us.
So back to basics... what do you stand for, what are your values, who are you really? Does this match the perception that others have of you? The only way to find out is to ask - subtly, directly. Just ask. The results may be surprising.
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Louise Mowbray
04 November 2007
Great Mika concert on Saturday evening and rocking afterparty, which left us crawling home in the early hours. So much fun. There is something rather intimate about venues that hold 6,000 people although commercially, may mean that Germany has not quite bought into this quirky artist yet. Either that or they missed out on the south of France this summer when Relax was wired into our psyche's. It was everywhere... the summer anthem.
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Louise Mowbray
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01 November 2007
Lessons in grace and elegance
I have just got back to my desk after a breakfast at Harvey Nic's to launch Lucia van der Post's new book; Things I wish my mother had told me - Lessons in grace and elegance.
Hearing Lucia talk about manners, grace and elegance made me think of my father somehow, and his take on 'manners maketh man'... a mantra that I grew up with. And yet, it is all too easy to slip and slop into less than graceful behaviour when we are under pressure.
There is a pure and simple elegance in those who are courteous, kind and honest. I find this particularly with clients who are hugely successful. It doesn't mean that they are walkovers... in fact, they are often driven, focused and have a steely vision. What it does mean is they do it all with grace, which is part and parcel of their Personal Brand. Leaders need followers and we choose to follow those who somehow manage to take us with them.
As for Lucia's Personal Brand... definitely all the right ingredients. She is unique and compelling, truly authentic, consistently consistent. And grace? She has it by the bucket load.
Posted by
Louise Mowbray