I love this - designer humour in the face of adversity! I for one am off to St Tropez... hand luggage only, no liquids, bikini's, kaftans, havaianas, platforms, lots of dresses, a hat, all my credit cards and a necessary fist-full of euro's to ease the way. Then back for a rest while I work out the next escape.
25 July 2007
British Summer
Posted by
Louise Mowbray
23 July 2007
Wardrobe Malfunction
Rather fun lunch yesterday with a few friends and the subject of wardrobe malfunctions came up. Much hysterical laughter and blush inducing embarrassment even though none were as public as Janet Jackson's or as common as Britney's... a few of my favourites:
- FL in Boujis in a plunging navel revealing neckline chatting and bopping away - the dress had shifted neatly revealing one breast... needless to say, she is now a great fan of tape;
- Recent shopping with LE parading a dress on the shop floor wondering whether it would stay intact if she moved around - we suggested that she wriggle around a little, which she did. Only problem was that she had forgotten to tie the back and it ended up around her waist - shock, horror (from the sales assistant) and howling laughter from the rest of us;
- Me on the dance floor in a white wrap skirt that fastened with poppers... one spin too many and it landed up in a puddle around my ankles - the chap who I was dancing with had eyes like saucers, I think he thought it was a party trick;
- KB in a public loo with her skirt neatly tucked into her thong about to make her exit when someone piped up 'I just can't let you leave like that' (we nicknamed this kind stranger 'the saving grace';
- On my way to a meeting on a very warm and humid London summer morning (yes, we used to have them) when my body lotion melted and one of my hold up stockings started to lose its grip and slide down my leg ... I had to stop and pull it off with a flourish to the amazed expressions of fellow commuters;
- AJ swimming at the gym... she got out of the pool and made her way to the showers, removed her swimming costume and proceeded to do the hair and body washing routine, only to open her eyes and realise that she had a large audience - she was using the public shower next to the pool... someone kindly handed her a towel.
Have any of your own stories to add to these? Feel free to post a comment!
Posted by
Louise Mowbray
Labels: STYLE
12 July 2007
Competitive advantage
Bunch of stimulating meetings yesterday, one of them with a Mentor / Coach after my interest in Vistage, the global executive business coaching organisation. Then a follow up session with a Personal Branding client. Great to see him implementing a number of small, but powerful changes in various aspects of his day-to-day.
The key in managing your brand is to focus on what it is about you that is unique and compelling... work it out and then 'publish' it, live it, communicate it. In every possible way. And the art is in knowing how best to do this with each individual or group that has an influence on your success. This particular client has a reputation for 'doing all the work'... what others are not getting is all the strategic stuff he does. So a change in language, in format, in how he communicates that, and so his brand and the resulting opportunities will change too. The aim: 'high work ethic, strategic approach'... a first step up from 'worker bee'. His feedback... he feels that he is actively taking control of his career again, and from all accounts, enjoying it tremendously.
Posted by
Louise Mowbray
10 July 2007
Sun seeker...
After a crazy week of summer extravaganza parties held in the driving rain... had a mad dash for the real thing on Friday. Crete did the trick and a couple of days lying on a lounger, reading and floating in the sea - yes, so salty one can float - feeling a little revived.
Brings up the question of body beautiful once again... the worst thing about living in the cold is that horrible moment standing in your hotel room, lilly white body, squeezing into new bikini, realising that the only hope is a tan. Yes, brown wobbly bits are somehow much more attractive than white wobbly bits. The only glow in the dark people who look attractive are of the tall, lean variety... actually, I can only think of one. Nicole Kidman perhaps? So easy to become body unconscious when you are usually clothed head to toe trying desperately to keep warm.
Thankfully got back to a session with Hayley, the Nutritional Therapist who has got me focused on health, the natural way... will just have to spend more time on a beach for the rest of it.
Posted by
Louise Mowbray
Labels: Health and Beauty
05 July 2007
Personal Branding
I get so many questions about Personal Branding... usually starts with a startled expression at the phrase as if I've just mentioned an alien landing, then a slow nodding, and when the lights come on, an expression of delight. Well, usually.
And no, we are not brands, we are Louise or Peter or Margot... However, our public persona is a brand, so to speak. We can either manage it or have it managed for us. It has to be consistent to have any value, and if its not authentic, well, who will trust it?
In a branded world, Personal Branding is more than just a hot topic... We all brand ourselves and each other constantly. Each time we ask who someone else is, the response usually follows the same lines... "that's Joe Bloggs, he is a banker/lawyer/writer, interesting/dull/strange/fun guy..."
We can't avoid it. All sorts of people are fast becoming aware of the need to create and manage a consistent public persona. One that is authentic, one that works for them, one that delivers a competitive advantage.
persona, pl. personas: The role or facade that one assumes or displays in public or society; one's public image or personality, as distinguished from the inner self.
Posted by
Louise Mowbray
04 July 2007
Size 0 vs love handles...
When I think of models, I don't necessarily think healthy. The two don't seem to go together somehow. Its difficult enough for us ordinary mortals struggling with those last 3-5 kgs strapped to our hips and thighs like unwanted baggage... never mind the extraordinary effort and self control it must take to be a size 0. And then I met Hayley Darby who stepped out of the modeling world four years ago to go back to university and qualify as a Nutritionist.
She, and a collection of ex-model friends are keenly aware of what it takes to be body beautiful, have clear complexions and to get those energy levels up. They are all offering complementary therapies - nutrition, acupuncture, hypnotherapy... I see so many clients who struggle with their weight, with feeling healthy - it's almost always the first thing that comes up in an Image Consultation. So I have booked myself in for a session with Hayley. The proof is in the pudding - or in my case, the love handles - got to give it a go, right?
Posted by
Louise Mowbray
Labels: Health and Beauty, PERSONAL IMAGE
01 July 2007
Miller's Academy of Arts and Science
Miller's Academy was founded by Martin Miller, publisher of Millers Antique Guides, designer and owner of several hotels, and founder of an award winning drinks company. The Academy's aim is to create an inspiring, informative, relaxed environment where lecturers, members and their guests can enjoy a learning and social experience around a series of lectures and courses drawn from all areas of the arts and science. And all in an eclectic setting recalling the atmosphere of literary salons of the past.
Lecture series will cover such topics as 'Ten great philosophers', 'Investing in contemporary art' as well as one-off lectures covering subjects from 'Face transplants: the ultimate plastic surgery?', 'Witchcraft: the naked truth' to Peter Bergen on his latest book on Bin Laden. Other evening formats will range from 'Conversations with?' leading authors, artists and personalities to 'Head to head' debates.
Founding Membership closes on the 16th July, so if you are interested in combining the social with the stimulating, this is something you should not miss.
You can join online www.millersacademy.co.uk or call +44 20 7229 5103, and feel free to mention my name as your referral.
Posted by
Louise Mowbray