Had a rather interesting Q from JS a little while ago about whether one should have a shower before a date. It made me think about the whole subject of pheromones. JS, I am an image consultant not a biologist, however, according to all reports pheromones speak for themselves and no amount of showering will mask them. So yes, definitely, a shower before a date is a must.
I am always batting on about how we look, how we sound and our body language, however, it seems that how we smell is the deciding factor. Chatting to Liza (my medical friend) over the weekend about all things olfactory and interesting to hear that we initially recognise flavours via our sense of smell. Also, unsurprisingly, we can change our body odour by what we eat. So plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables will make us more attractive... add a shower to that and it’s probably a knockout combination!
30 April 2007
Sense of smell
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Louise Mowbray
Labels: Health and Beauty
26 April 2007
Really stimulating Personal Branding meeting with a client today. Great to work with someone who is conscious of the impact that they need to make, and determined to equip themselves in the best way possible. Its always easy to talk about the benefits of this type of awareness. What about the price of not being aware. That’s the scary bit. How many people have been overlooked, bypassed, not considered just because they are unconsciously doing something that puts people off?
Reminds me of my days in Executive Search and how the person who was best qualified, didn’t always win. The old EQ/IQ debate. We all rely so much on our instinct, our sense of what someone is all about, even though we often talk about the criterion for all decisions as if they were some scientific study. And yet when the chips are down, instinct wins... ask any business leader.
Posted by
Louise Mowbray
24 April 2007
The worst thing about celebrity is the sense of recognition. You see them and know that you should be searching for the name so that when you pucker up with a ‘hi darling, how are you’... it’s a little more authentic. Then the realisation that actually you don’t know them at all. All a bit unsettling. Gordon Ramsay today in the Wolseley being a case in point and Stephen Fry at Scott’s last week. A momentary sense of knowing, then saving one’s self from launching into the world of groupydom. Such a fine line.
Interesting day as ever - think I’d hate it all if I knew what was coming. More kitchens and bathrooms and I know that this high-tech contemporary apartment that I am revamping is without doubt somewhere that I would be happy to live. Great news that the client and I are aligned on taste. It helps. That must be the understatement of the year!
Posted by
Louise Mowbray
22 April 2007
It wasn’t just the sensory overload of walking into a rocking party, nor the abundance of happy upbeat teens and their wallets better known as the parents - it wasn’t just the incredible lighting or the feeling of being in a majestic building... the sense of discovery stumbling into room after beautiful room, nor the truly, sweetly helpful assistants. It was the semi-naked god who greeted us at the door. And yes, naturally, I am talking Abercrombie & Fitch’s flagship store in London. They seem to have exported the joy all the way from the US, albeit at what seems double the price.
We left wondering how the average teen was going to afford the £50 for a T, and came to the conclusion that this is perhaps how the A&F logo will keep it’s aspirational status.
Only last week, the Luxury Marketing Council put together a panel of 16 to 22 year olds who did fabulously well in giving us their their views on all things luxury. Chaired by Daniel Franklin, Executive Editor of The Economist, it was hugely entertaining and an eye opener to say the least.
Their views? Well not surprisingly Topshop - a hit and Kate Moss very much part of the deal, Primark - where you get most bang for your buck, A&F - cool and aspirational, and Ralph Lauren - luxury. When asked what their most luxurious gift would be, the majority wanted a car. Any car.
Posted by
Louise Mowbray
19 April 2007
Getting into the swim
There is nothing worse than shopping for bikini’s. There should be a law against harsh lighting and curtains that don’t close. Bad enough having to take all your clothes off again and again (the biggest downside to a serious shopping session) without the indignities of most changing rooms.
With summer on its way, the whole swimwear question keeps coming up so a couple of pointers to help you on your way...
Try a size larger than your normal size. When a bikini or the now fashionable one-piece is too tight, it will cut into your flesh and create bulges where you don’t want them. You can always cut out the size label if it makes you feel better.
Whatever the fashion, speedo’s and lycra shorts are never particularly attractive, and avoid very short swimming trunks... they really should be reserved for boys under 5.
Posted by
Louise Mowbray
18 April 2007
Learning to walk...
I fell in love with a pair of YSL wedges and Derek Lam wooden soled platforms yesterday. They just had to come home with me. The YSL strappy in earthy tones, and the DL patent leather in this seasons cobalt blue, which I wore to dinner last night. I am suddenly taller, so much taller and learning to walk again...
Felt I deserved both (any excuse) after a few hours with a client and the builder planning the most amazing kitchen for his apartment in Knightsbridge. The place is almost gutted and the exciting stuff of putting it all back together begins. There is something so deeply satisfying about seeing a property turn from an muddle into a thing of desire in a very short space of time. And more today with bathrooms, floors...
Posted by
Louise Mowbray
16 April 2007
Sample sales & lingerie
I fall in love with London all over again when the weather is like this. Really was a good weekend - thank you JC for being such a generous host, your dinner on Saturday was fabulous.
For those of you who have not yet picked up on Fashion Forward in the newsletter, you really are missing a trick. LE and I went to the M Missoni sample sale yesterday and left staggering under the weight of our bargains.
Gentlemen, thank you for your queries on buying lingerie... I understand that it can be a minefield.
The most important thing is to know her bra size and dress size... really, really. Have a sneaky look at the label, or if you don’t know her that well, ask one of her girlfriends to find out for you. Unlike knickers, bra’s do not come in S, M, L... and no, the shop assistant will not try one on for you.
Ladies, did you know that you can create a wishlist on Agent Provocateur’s site choosing the styles that you desire (and the correct sizes)... you can then send it to a friend. A little obvious perhaps, but useful if someone keeps getting it wrong!
Posted by
Louise Mowbray
14 April 2007
Tummy Tuck
I have just reached the conclusion that I am certifiable. Again. Who in their right mind would pay £100 for 100ml of ‘tummy tuck’ cream with ‘stomach flattering micro fibres to slim and visibly tighten the abdominal area’?? Me. I did. I asked all of the sales assistants whether it worked and no-one knew. I must be the only person who has bought a bottle if no one knows. The promise: 2 cm’s off your waist in 8 weeks. If there is anyone out there who has tried it, please let me know... Apparently corsets are in again if all else fails.
On the hunt for a pair of platforms or wedges yesterday and I realised very quickly that the deciding factor was how heavy they are. You really need to think about how much walking you are going to do as most of them are the equivalent of wondering around with a kilo strapped to each ankle. On second thoughts, there may be some benefits...
I left empty handed and went on to meet with an Image client to discuss a particular event she is attending. With the outfit finalised, we moved onto jewellery and selected a couple of pieces. The key with jewellery is to complement your frame. If you are very slight, then go for something more delicate, if you have medium sized frame, medium sized pieces, and if your frame is larger, then chunky jewellery is best.
Lastly, as ever, less is more...
Posted by
Louise Mowbray
Labels: Health and Beauty, I Like..., PERSONAL IMAGE, STYLE
13 April 2007
On style & dating...
Thank you JS for your Q’s. You asked how one should dress for a first date, second date...
First impressions are very hard to shake... On any date, whether its the first or last, don’t try too hard... There is nothing more terrifying than someone who is decked top to toe in designer gear, as if they have hauled it all out for a grand finale.
Dress appropriately... What/where is the date? Movies, dinner, Sunday brunch, a walk in the park? Always a little disconcerting if someone turns up in a jacket and tie or a pair of towering gold Jimmy’s for a gentle meander around Hyde Park.
Be Authentic... From a style perspective, don’t try to be someone you are not... You’ll get found out sooner rather than later, and if who you are is not acceptable, then ditch the date.
Grooming... Stating the obvious here, but clean hair, finger/toe nails (NB), clean clothes are all a must. Ladies, go easy on the make-up, hair spray, perfume. Gentlemen, the same for aftershave, cologne! As with all things, less is more.
I hope that helps?
Posted by
Louise Mowbray
12 April 2007
Get framed...
Isn’t this weather fabulous? I met with a client today and one of the things we shopped for was sunglasses, and yes, it was plural. Harvey Nicks have a great selection on the ground floor if you are feeling that summery feeling. I think that they should install a couple of armchairs as watching people trying on sunglasses is thoroughly entertaining! The concentration, the angles, the taking off, the posing, how they look on one’s head. It’s one of the few areas in a store where perfect strangers will ask you what you think and model their choices... “this pair (quick change, next pose) or this pair?”
We tend to have mostly angular or contoured features... Make sure that you pick a pair of frames that complements your features, not one that fights with them.
Posted by
Louise Mowbray
11 April 2007
Good vibrations
I love my power-plate, I really do. It does rattle your eyeballs a lot, and your teeth, and you can make really funny quavering voices if you talk, which definitely results in the giggles. It’s a little addictive. MA promised me a new body in 6 weeks - it’s been two and I was skiing for one of them. Will report back...
Thank you for all of your comments and suggestions. NM wants some Image advice, or more to the point... the lingerie version of ‘brief or boxer’. Great minds obviously think alike as you are not alone NM.
Ladies, we are truly blessed, there a so few things that can go wrong. Apart from the following:
Rule #1: Banish the greying once elasticated cotton variety. If they look that bad, you will feel that bad.
Rule #2: The VPL is still a no-no. Always will be.
Rule #3: If the contents of you knicker drawer are divided into those bought for you for valentines (red/black, scratchy lacy stuff) and saggy greying cotton, chuck it all out and find some middle ground.
Rule #4: When you are digging in your knicker drawer in the morning, think of your favourite star and dress for both of you. You will feel good all day.
Rule #4: Always try a bra on in the store and find one with good mirrors, you know the type, the ones that make you look good.
Rule #5: The same again for swim-wear, the mirrors I mean.
There, I said it would be easy.
Posted by
Louise Mowbray
10 April 2007
Brief or boxer?
Thank you FP for your timely Q: “brief or boxer”. I will attempt to clarify the male underwear image dilemma with five loose guidelines:
Rule #1: Always wear underwear, I repeat, always...
Rule #2: If the trousers are particularly tight: briefs.
Rule #3: For low-rise strides: briefs or slim-fitting boxers.
Rule #4: Do not tuck your shirt into your underwear - buy a longer shirt.
Rule #5: No thongs, no novelty knickers. No... not ever.
Rule #6: No see-through white trousers. Pretty please.
Rule #7: The sight of your undershirt, under your shirt: not sexy.
Rule #8: The sight of your tank top/wife-beater under your shirt: a turnoff.
Ok, not so loose and I couldn’t stop at five. Forgive me.
Posted by
Louise Mowbray
09 April 2007
I'm not a plastic bag
Nearly accosted in Notting Hill for my Anya Hindmarch I’m not a plastic bag... I had to stand in a very long queue for mine about 3 weeks ago, and yes, it was only £5, and no, I will not sell it for £10. They are available in limited numbers at the AH stores (if you are feeling lucky, phone around), or later in April from Sainsbury’s. I love the fact that they are listed under ‘Environmental Bags’ on the AH site. The power of words...
Yes, it feels like spring, people are smiling like spring. We are behaving like spring... sociable, affable, friendly. Please make it last, and please, please don’t let that low grey ceiling settle again for a long, long time. My silent prayer for the day.
Image Q (from PM): “All these short summer dresses, skirts and shorts - I have short legs... how short should I go?”
A: The shorter the better if your legs are in good shape. A pair of platforms in a neutral colour with no ankle straps will help to lengthen bare legs (any horizontal line across the body will visually shorten that part of your body, especially if it is a contrasting colour). For shorter legs, opt for a higher waist to give the impression that your legs continue for longer. Also, make sure that the colour of your dress, skirt or shorts is not a huge contrast to that of your legs.
Posted by
Louise Mowbray
Labels: I Like..., PERSONAL IMAGE
07 April 2007
Battered & bruised...
Had a great week’s skiing with the wonderful A family, made better by the discovery of Angelo Di Cola, the Kinésithérapeute Biokinergie Masseur who did wonders in coaxing my aching body back to life. Daily. Can’t quite explain exactly how he does it, but as he says, one has to feel it and not think it. On the basis of results, I felt it, and will happily leave it at that. If you happen to be in Les Arcs and want his number, let me know.
Fascinated by the fashions on the slopes and you can instantly tell the surf crowd from those who ski - and no, I am not just talking about age, although I concede a probable correlation. Snowboarding gear has been evolving at a rate of knots and this season ski gear has been making big leaps towards integrating the two. Trust Nike to feature an inside personal stereo pocket with a headphone exit. Will update on next season’s fashions later this year. Perhaps we will be blessed with an inside hip-flask pocket with an IV exit.
Felt quite cool in my Prada gear (thanks S) until the instructor said that I ski like a 4 year old “you think your bottom is your knees”. Too horrible to translate.
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Louise Mowbray
Labels: I Like...