12 July 2007

Competitive advantage

Bunch of stimulating meetings yesterday, one of them with a Mentor / Coach after my interest in Vistage, the global executive business coaching organisation. Then a follow up session with a Personal Branding client. Great to see him implementing a number of small, but powerful changes in various aspects of his day-to-day.

The key in managing your brand is to focus on what it is about you that is unique and compelling... work it out and then 'publish' it, live it, communicate it. In every possible way. And the art is in knowing how best to do this with each individual or group that has an influence on your success. This particular client has a reputation for 'doing all the work'... what others are not getting is all the strategic stuff he does. So a change in language, in format, in how he communicates that, and so his brand and the resulting opportunities will change too. The aim: 'high work ethic, strategic approach'... a first step up from 'worker bee'. His feedback... he feels that he is actively taking control of his career again, and from all accounts, enjoying it tremendously.

1 comment:

Dan Schawbel said...

It's what makes you different that makes you memorable, recognizable and have greater value in the marketplace.