02 March 2009

Job markets - so many are electing to step out

So what's the world going to look like in the next three to five years? Along with the tough economic climate right now, so many are choosing to extend their education, embark on further education or take time off to see the world. In other words, they are electing to step out of these difficult, competitive job markets. But what happens when they need to step back in again. All at once? A plethora of well educated and school of life candidates on the market. A great shift - what impact will it have on job markets and how difficult will it be for those who are left behind in the education stakes?

I am not psychic, but I predict two things - the great divide between the educated and uneducated will increase dramatically, and with it all the socioeconomic stuff too. And the even greater divide between the developed and underdeveloped world will become almost insurmountable. Two parallel, totally disconnected streams that will shape things to come.

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