06 September 2007

No one buys vanilla...

Well, not when it comes to your Personal Brand. There is something hugely compelling about those with personality, those with quirks and beliefs and traits. And these people stand out from the crowd, we know who they are, what they do, what they stand for... what makes them unique, memorable.

I was in a consultation with a client yesterday and we were working through specialisation... it is far more effective to be known as an expert in one area than to be seen as a 'jack of all trades, master of none'. The art of building a Personal Brand is as much about attracting the type of interest, business, deals, roles that suit us - as it is in deflecting attention that we don't want.

I like to think of a Personal Brand as the cornerstone of attraction... we don't need to appeal to everyone, to all things. We need to appeal to our target market and eliminate time consuming and often costly detractions.

A word of warning... as with all brands, we need to be authentic, to deliver every time, to be consistent. So what is it that makes us unique? What is it that will act as a magnet to attract what we want, and elegantly repel the rest?

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